Pigs Will Fly
for everybody 9+
Everybody has told one before. Everybody has believed one: Lies. In German, there are funny sayings about lies: Lies have short legs. Lying is easy when you're far away. A necessary lie is never bad. Who whispers, lies. And if you lie once, ou will never be believed again. Three performers lie until the wood beams bis sich die Balken bend. They lie the blue from the sky - full of pleasure and passion - everything is a lie! On a stage full of plastic, translucent, blinding, and with music. Sometimes loudly and strongly, sometimes quietly and softly, sometimes big and proudly. And sometimes you may wonder: Now, is this really true?
Premiere: Saturday, September 3rd 2022, 7:00 pm

Music & Performance: Tamara Hermanns, Marylin Pardo, Mamadoo Mehrnejad
Production: Barbara Kölling and Team
Tech: Malte Kochanek

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