Texts & Films
about the Theatre for the very young

Text: Forming and Fading
The HELIOS Theater Hamm performs big themes for the youngest audiences – and for everyone else.
Click here to read the full text by Erpho Bell (pdf, 1 MB).
The text was published in "About the work of HELIOS Theater" (2014)

Text: About the Mentoring Process in South Africa
In 2016, Barbara Kölling and Anna-Sophia Zimniak were invited to Cape Town, South Africa by Magnet Theatre. In a six week workshop funded by the Goethe Institut, 18 young theatre practitioners from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Kenya and Nigeria developed four plays for children from 2 years and up. Barbara Kölling mentored the working process of the four groups for two weeks. In an interview, she describes her experiences from this work.
To read the interview, please click here.

Film: „Woolgathering“
The short documentary follows the HELIOS ensemble's investigation of the material wool and develops its own cinematographic perspective on the material. The focus is not so much on the development of the performance, but on the relationship between material, artists and audience. The film was created by Stoyan Radoslavov and Damian W. Gorczany.
You can buy the film in the office of HELIOS Theater. Tel.: 02381 926837 oder post [at] helios-theater.de.