small size

International exchange in theatre for early years


From 2006 to 2018, HELIOS Theater was the German partner in three international projects, "small size", funded by the European Union. Back in 2006, seven theatres from seven countries started an exchange about theatre for children from 0-6 years of age. In a first and second project ("small size – the net" and "small size – big citizens"), the partners successfully developed (co-)productions, organized festivals and held symposia where they discussed cultural political developments and artistic questions together. In 2014, a third project was funded by the EU: "small size – wide eyes" was running until 2018 and focused on spreading the experiences in the theatre for early years that the now 15 partners had gathered.

Out of the EU projects, the small size network evolved: a worldwide association of theatre makers who create work for the very young. Information about the small size network can be found here: